Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Upping My Action

Yes, I might chime in here and there with an public opinion or two. And there's more at stake this election cycle. So here's how I am upping my action.

Here, on my personal Facebook page I'll share shareable information about the candidates that have my vote, subject to change.

Anyone who knows me personally knows that I am a life-long Democrat (wait for it...). In the past several years a few things have changed:

...I've been disappointed by the Democratic Party,

...My default response to issue-based "Left or Right" questions is "It depends."

...I evolved from US Citizen to patriot when I realized our shared democracy, my citizenship, and everything in between can in fact be voted away.

...Being affiliated with either party is now an obstacle to individual, community and global peace.

So a few of us started our own party: The Voters Party(c) (TVP). It's been around for a while and more or less waiting for this moment. If you are qualified to vote in a US election, or want to be, you are already a member of TVP. You are a TVP Party of One.

TVP's only position is pro-voting (or is that pro-vote?). Our slogan is Promote the Vote. No candidates. No platform. No donations.

Why did I get this party started? I wanted to speak to US politics as an individual; a Party of One(c). I want us know what we agree on and what's needed to a path to 100% voter turnout.

Now, when you want to, you can say you belong to The Voters Party, or "I am a Party of One." More to follow on all things TVP.

Lincoln spoke to our time when he warned “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." [Source Reuters] ]

I agree to NOT do that. Do you?

I agree to Vote. Do you?


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