Sunday, July 25, 2010

TV Production Proposal 2006: Right Path. Right Actions. Right Results.

Click once or twice to enlarge/read.
Check out the 2010 follow-up proposal, Innovation Station.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Rep. Buchanan, bring it on home!

Today, Rep. Buchanan asked me, "Do you think policies [that encourage "telecommuting" in the federal workplace] are a good way to increase productivity and reduce traffic congestion?"

This is a no-brainer "Yes!"  Telecommuting has been standard practice in the private sector for more than a decade.  There is no legitimate reason for the Fed government to not get current with productivity gains that are on the table, begging to be earned.  Talk about your low hanging fruit.   Even the favorite argument against a remote workforce, IT Security has not been an obstacle for more than a decade.  

Most importantly, this is a way to increase employment opportunities for FL13.  If a job, project or task can be executed remotely, it is (largely) immaterial where the productivity is realized.   Whether or not the person performs some work "at the office" is specific to the individual and/or project/job, not the overall remote workforce policy/process/procedure.  Sure, there are exceptions.  Let's not let exceptions be the rule. 

It will be a great service to FL13 if our Representative:
  1. Communicates from the floor the importance and urgency of whatever legislation and funding is required to implement (e.g., fast track)
  2. Changes his own language from "telecommuting" to "remote workforce".  Telecommuting implies that the work is tied to an office/desk somewhere.  That has not been private sector practice or language for a long time. 
  3. Facilitates federal remote employment in the FL13 area. 
As always, let's not let obstacles be obstacles.  Remember when our newly inaugurated President wanted to continue using his Blackberry as a means of retaining his own standard of efficiency and productivity?  The first answer from the security gurus was something along the lines of "No way.  Can't be done. Against policy." A few days later, the President was back up and running the country with the help of a hand-held device.  Obstacle, schmobstacle. 

This is a golden opportunity for Rep. Buchannan that appears to have fallen into his lap.  As my dad frequently said, "Don't grant me luck...Grant me timing."   How about setting a measureable goal of N new federal workers in FL 13 (jobs, projects, tasks, whatever) by X date?  And then do whatever it takes to make it so.  Come on, we need this!

Rep. Buchanan, what do you need from us--the unemployed and underemployed that you represent--to bring the work to FL13?

I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Opinion Published by Pelican Press Dec 05

Reply to Dec 05 SH-T Article on Burns Ct Market Issue

Let’s put this in perspective, people

As a Downtown Farmers’ Market vendor, I’m not worried about the Wednesday market.  I’ve talked to hundreds of Saturday customers who are enthusiastic about the mid-week option and will come whether it is in Burns Court, Rosemary, Towles Court, or Five Points. 

As a resident of Sarasota, I’m stunned and appalled.  If you look at facts and listen to stated opinions, the topic is parking convenience, not availability.  Those who oppose the Market on parking principles are concerned that their customers can no longer pull up to the restaurant or shop door to park. 

Opposing merchants, you need to think about public perception.  If you keep up the protest, you’ll gain a reputation as bitter whiners and will likely lose current customers (like me) instead of winning market customers who might not otherwise be shopping at your front door.

Commissioners, support your decision.  We cannot afford to spend city time examining a decision made via due process in order to appease those who are resistant to change, or unwilling to either walk a city block or use valet services. 

Let’s review the facts.

  • There are over 200 parking spaces on Orange Avenue, including the two lots adjacent to the Michael Saunders office (which opened its parking spaces to the market).  The distance between Orange and Pineapple is about half a block.  Ask anyone who’s ever lived in a city, and they’ll likely say that’s not a bad hike. 
  • The reason that restaurant- and shop-front parking was plentiful on Wednesday evenings was a general lack of customers to the area.  Ask any merchant who’s a real merchant (e.g. one that is dependent on sales for livelihood) and they’ll tell you that the tropical equivalent of tumbleweeds rolling down Pineapple Avenue during business hours is not a good thing. 
  • The Wednesday market has forced restaurant valet parking (yes, valet parking) to move from Pineapple to Burns Court.  The net result for an approaching customer is a turn into Burns Court before turning over the keys, with no additional steps to any restaurant or retail shop (they all have entrances on both Pineapple Ave. and Burns Court).  Any driver who can’t make a turn into Burns Court needs to turn over the keys to the State, not a valet attendant.  To be fair, we must consider that the valet parking attendants must walk one block (round trip) to place the service sign at the entrance to Burns Court.  Oh, wait, that’s two blocks if there is a sign at both entrances to Burns Court.  And I suppose this needs to be repeated at the end of the night.  Still, I’d suggest that any valet attendant who has trouble completing this mammoth task not park my car. 
  • The majority of area businesses have bent over backwards to make the Wednesday market not only possible, but successful.  They campaigned hard during the location decision process which was very public, very open, and took place over the course of about two months.  Their participation included lobbying the Downtown Partnership, voting in the online public opinion poll (which was open for at least two weeks), communicating with all area merchants, and showing up at City Commission meetings to show support.  Many have opened their restrooms to market customers, and have opened their electrical outlets to market vendors, free of charge, until the City completes installation of new street lights that feature electrical outlets (as the City did on the Lemon Avenue Mall). 
My advice?

First, think long term.  Like it or not, Sarasota is evolving into a true city, complete with all of the opportunities and challenges of any urban area.  Growth requires change, and while change can be managed to minimize pain and optimize results, as humans we clamor for the results yet balk at the process. 

Second, Get on board.  The fact-based decision has been made.  Embrace the business opportunity.  Opportunity for public discourse was given and has passed.  If you missed it, or now regret your lack of participation, deal with it.  Find a way to support your business and your City by supporting the decision.  Offer or adopt a solution, and do your part to make it a good one for everyone. 

Solution Options:
  • Valet: Extend restaurant valet service to include market customers who are unable or unwilling to trek the distance.  This might even increase the number of restaurant/market cross-over customers.  
  • Shuttle: Use golf carts to shuttle people from cars to Pineapple.  I know, I know, it’s an insurance thing.  Obstacle, schmobstacle.  Is there an entrepreneur in the house? 
  • Vote: If you don’t like the decisions made by your City Commissioners, vote.  If you don’t like the process by which decisions are made, vote. 

[Name redacted for blog publication]

The Celtic Baker

I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

Opinion Published by NowPublic: 83 Views

Buchanan entitled to vent and represent, not mislead
by Mothra | April 20, 2009 at 03:40 pm

86 views | 0 Recommendations | 0 comments

Today, US Rep. Vern Buchanan (FL 13) sent a letter to President Barack Obama expressing outrage at the content of a leaked DHS memo.  As an introduction to the copy distributed to constituents this afternoon, Buchanan states the letter was sent “to the White House requesting that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) retract the baseless and offensive allegation that returning veterans can be easily lured into becoming domestic terrorists.”

As a citizen, Vern is entitled to express his outrage over anything to anyone.  As our elected Representative, he’s entitled and expected to express his outrage on behalf of the people he represents, which includes 95,000 veterans.  He is entitled and allowed to engage every rhetorical tactic in his negotiation of, or pursuit of, political ways and means.

He is not entitled to mislead his constituents by omitting content from his commentary that clearly refutes his opinion.  Buchanan’s letter states, “There is no evidence to support this ridiculous and offensive allegation.”  Per multiple news accounts, the DHS document in question also states:
  • “The willingness of a small percentage of military personnel to join extremist groups during the 1990s because they were disgruntled, disillusioned or suffering from the psychological effects of war is being replicated today."
  • “The current economic and political climate has some similarities to the 1990s when right-wing extremism experienced a resurgence fueled largely by an economic recession, criticism about the outsourcing of jobs and the perceived threat to U.S. power and sovereignty by other foreign powers,”
  • “[a prolonged economic downturn] could create a fertile recruiting environment for rightwing extremists".
  • "Rightwing extremists will attempt to recruit and radicalize returning veterans in order to exploit their skills and knowledge derived from military training and combat. These skills ... have the potential to boost the capabilities of extremists, including 'lone wolves or small terrorist cells', to carry out violence.” 
  • "Rightwing extremists have capitalized on the election of the first African-American president, and are focusing their efforts to recruit new members, mobilize existing supporters, and broaden their scope and appeal through propaganda, but they have not yet turned to attack planning…"
Does Buchanan know that it is the tax-paid job of the DHS to identify threats and threats of threats?  When DHS information reveals a correlation between today’s economy, that of the early ‘90s and home-grown terrorism I expect DHS to do no less than ensure all law enforcement personnel are equally aware and vigilant.  And I expect my elected Representatives to support DHS personnel in their efforts, unless and until they demonstrate wrongdoing.  How else do we share the information, “Lessons Learned” and knowledge necessary to prevent another Waco or Oklahoma City?

I have a few positive action recommendations for my Representative Buchanan:
  • Enlist veterans to read and seriously consider the DHS warning, and then use the shared experience of their community to harvest additional preventative actions DHS might take, including collaboration with Veteran’s organizations.
  • Hold your vitriolic response until you learn the facts of today’s arrest of a Marine at Logan for having a firearm, ammunition, fuses, and detonators in the baggage he checked onto a commercial domestic flight. 

News Item Published by NowPublic, 169 Views and 31 Recommendations

by Mothra | April 20, 2009 at 03:27 pm

169 views | 31 Recommendations | 1 comment

The same day that a Marine was arrested at Boston's Logan airport for transporting the tools of terrorism, US Rep. Vern Buchanan (FL 13) expressed “strong objection” to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) warning that returning war veterans are susceptible to recruitment by extremist and terrorist organizations.

Marine Corporal Justin Reed was arrested at Logan after ammunition, fuses, and detonators and a firearm were found in the baggage he successfully checked onto a commercial domestic flight.  In today’s letter from Buchanan to President Obama, Buchanan objected to the content of the leaked Department of Homeland Security (DHS) risk assessment memo that warned “The willingness of a small percentage of military personnel to join extremist groups during the 1990s because they were disgruntled, disillusioned or suffering from the psychological effects of war is being replicated today."

Buchanan’s letter identifies the DHS statement, “Rightwing extremists will attempt to recruit and radicalize returning veterans in order to exploit their skills and knowledge derived from military training and combat” as particularly offensive.  He also states that the DHS memo offers “no evidence to support this ridiculous and offensive allegation” and described the warning as “offensive…toward returning war veterans.”

In a same-day distribution of the letter to his constituents (including a reported 95000 veterans), Buchanan explained that the letter was sent “to the White House requesting that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) retract the baseless and offensive allegation that returning veterans can be easily lured into becoming domestic terrorists.”

The leaked DHS risk assessment memo was sent to law enforcement personnel on April 15th.  The “Official Use Only” memo, was published on Web sites and linked by several mainstream news outlets.

Feature Published @, voted top article!

by Moira Toner

Most everyone knows the basics...wear dark colors, vertical stripes, high heels and stay away from knits. But what if you don't want to wear dark colors? What if vertical stripes aren't you? Who wants to be in heels all the time? And what about all that stuff that's already in your closet? No worries. Just focus on your vertical color line.

A color line is the consistent application of a color, from head to toe, to capture and hold the eye's vertical attention. The color line can be white, black, metallic, matte or anything in between. It can be clothing, accessories or both. You can create a color line with something new, or by using something you already have in a new way.

For example, let's say you have a patterned suit or dress in your closet that you think is unflattering, or you just don't wear it because of the "rule" about patterns adding pounds. Solution? Wear it with an unbroken color line. First, pick out a color in the pattern. Then accessorize from top to bottom in that color. Start with the earrings, then move on to a necklace (make it a long one!) or hanging scarf. Continue with hose and shoes.

Let's look at it another way. Think of dark shoes, a dark skirt or dress and light or nude legs. Got it? Now forget it! That's a color line break, and a big mistake. By leaving or making legs light, you break the slimming illusion made by a color line, whether it is dark or not. The correction is to keep your shoes, legs (or ankles in the case of slacks) and skirt or dress in the same family of color and tone. Does this mean dark hose in the summer? Yes! If you think "light hose in the summer" is a rule, break it in favor of the slimming effect of your color line.

Remember, the key to an effective, high-impact color line is consistency. You are using color to capture vertical attention and slim your entire look. With minor changes you'll have a major new wardrobe!


  • Earrings don't have to be long and dangling to add to your color line.
  • You can vary the color by a few shades as you work from top down.
  • Watch out for handbags! You can break your color line by adding a big blob of handbag color that doesn't belong.
  • Tones and shades to not need to match exactly, and you want to avoid the dyed-to-match ("DTM") look of a bridesmaid. 
  • You can wear neutral shoes (brown, blue, black) that are the same tone as your color line. 
  • Your own eye will tell you if your choices work. If you're not sure about an item, replace it with one that you know is wrong. Take a good look, and then switch back. Good to go?

I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

Effective Communication from Elected Officials

It can be so simple for elected officials to communicate effectively.  This is the weekly email I receive from my former address in Chicago.  Every issue is equally informative...from the RESULTS of crime initiatives to where to get free light bulbs.

Once again, I have to ask, how hard can it be?

topofpageAlderman Reilly Reports July 16, 2010

motorcyclestingResults from Alderman Reilly's Second Motorcycle Sting Operation!

Earlier this year, Alderman Reilly began working with 001 District and 018 District Traffic Divisions of the Chicago Police Department and the Illinois State Police to conduct a series of "sting operations" this summer to address the seasonal residential complaints about motorcycle noise. 

The second "Motorcycle Mission" was held on June 24, 2010.  Alderman Reilly is pleased to report the following citations resulted from the most recent sting operation.

Chicago Police and Illinois State Police Enforcement Totals
Recovered Stolen Vehicle

The Alderman would like to thank Deputy Chief Keating, 001 District Commander Kennedy, 018 District Commander Angarone and the Illinois State Police for another successful mission!

We urge you to assist the Chicago Police Department in resolving ongoing neighborhood concerns by attending your monthly CAPS meetings.  If you or a representative from your building does not currently attend CAPS meetings, please view this link for more information about your CAPS beat area.
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crosswalksting42nd Ward Crosswalk Sting Operation Results!

In a joint effort to improve pedestrian safety in the city, the Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT) and the Chicago Police Department are continuing crosswalk enforcement initiatives in 2010.

Alderman Reilly is pleased to report that 20 citations were issued - resulting from the July 24th sting operation at the intersection of Clark Street and Germania Place:

Clark - Germania
Number of Citations
Failure to Yield to Pedestrian Right-of Way
Total Violations issued through June 2010 in crosswalk stings conducted

The crosswalk awareness initiatives involve an off-duty, undercover police officer posing as a pedestrian crossing at a crosswalk.  If oncoming drivers don't yield to the pedestrian-as required by law-the vehicle will be pulled over by a police spotter further down the street.


Motorists can face fines ranging from $50 to $500 for failure to yield to a pedestrian in a crosswalk.  Last year the Police Department issued over 1,000 citations for failure to yield within a crosswalk.  This year the Police Department will also be doing speed enforcement as a part of the nighttime pedestrian crash-reduction efforts.  Speed reduction can greatly lessen the severity of pedestrian crashes.

The crosswalk awareness initiative is funded through a grant from the Illinois Department of Transportation.  Because the program uses off-duty police officers, it does not divert police resources from other crime-fighting efforts.

For more information about Crosswalk Enforcement Initiatives, including the upcoming 2010 schedule, click here.

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WardParkProposal to Rename Erie Park (Park No. 511) - "A. Montgomery Ward Park"

Working with downtown residents and the Friends of the Parks, Alderman Reilly made a formal request to the Chicago Park District to rename Park No. 511 ("Erie Park") to A. Montgomery Ward Park.  In response to the Alderman's request, the Chicago Park District Board introduced the renaming request and initiated the 45-day public notice period this past week.

The honorary selection of Montgomery Ward is due to Erie Park's proximity to the old Montgomery Ward corporate warehouse.  Erie Park is situated less than two blocks from the former headquarters building along the Chicago River.   Also, an exciting discovery was made during excavation of the park:  Montgomery Ward Company had constructed a park called "Associates Park" at the very site of where Erie Park exists today. A plaque identifying Associates Park with a graphic of the warehouse building was unearthed (see photo below):


In addition to Ward's investment in this area of River North, he is arguably Chicago's strongest public open space advocate.  In a letter from Friends of the Parks to Alderman Reilly, they state "...Friends of the Parks believes strongly that a park should be named for A. Montgomery Ward to recognize as a tribute for all he did for the park system of Chicago.  There currently exists no park in Chicago named after a man who could arguably be considered the greatest park advocate the city ever produced.  Without his selfless effort, we would not have Grant Park, nor the protected lakefront that we enjoy today as one of the great hallmarks of this world-class city."

If you would like to voice your opinion on whether Erie Park should be named "Montgomery Ward Park", log onto the Chicago Park District website at, click on the "Contact Us" link at the bottom of the page to send your message.

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TORNJoin Alderman Reilly in Support of the River North Residents' Association at the Taste of River North!

Please join Alderman Reilly's Office and your neighbors at the 42nd Ward's largest community festival!  On July 17th and 18th, the Taste of River North will be in full swing at Erie Park (located at the intersection of Erie and Kingsbury Streets).

Hosted by the River North Residents' Association, the Taste of River North is a professionally managed, family-friendly, 2-day riverfront festival.  The 9th edition of this neighborhood fair features an amazing band line up, delicious food from the area's best restaurants, and offerings from local artists and merchants. 

Alderman Reilly commends the RNRA for their hard work to promote one of the most vibrant neighborhoods in the City.  If you are able to attend, please stop by Alderman Reilly's booth to receive a FREE compact fluorescent light bulb, bike map or transit map of the City of Chicago, Energy Efficiency Kit and Chicago Public Schools High School Directory!

Click here for more information about the event.


flyoverNavy Pier Flyover Project Unveiled!

Last night, Alderman Reilly co-hosted a public presentation with the Chicago Department of Transportation to inform area residents of the upcoming "Navy Pier Flyover Project." Representatives of the Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT) presented the full scope of the project and answered questions from those in attendance.

The proposed Flyover Project includes a continuous north-south bicycle and pedestrian lane that will begin at the Ohio Street Beach, extend over the Chicago River before ending at DuSable Park.  The existing, "U-shaped" trail that currently exists will stay in place as an "alternate" route for interested parties to use. 

The purpose of the project is to separate bicycle "traffic" from pedestrians for the purposes of public safety and "traffic" flow through the greater Streeterville neighborhood.  The plans calls for separate lanes for both pedestrians and bicyclists: wider "traffic" lanes for users, enhanced lane markings and signage to improve directional flow of "traffic" and LED lighting along the Lake Shore Drive portion of the trail for the safety of evening users.

The project is expected to cost approximately $40 million and funded by a mixture of local, state and federal funding in addition to private donations.  The project scope is in three phases, the first of which is expected to begin in Spring 2011.  The construction period is expected to last four years.

To review  CDOT's power point presentation, please click here.

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iphoneiPhone Thefts in Downtown Chicago

Over the past couple of weeks there have been "snatch and grab" incidents involving iPhones and iPods in downtown Chicago.  Alderman Reilly was interviewed on ABC 7 News about the incidents.  To view the story, please click below:


Alderman Reilly warns residents to be mindful of their surroundings and aware of the recent thefts.  iPhones are costly hardware and should be considered as an item of value.

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facaderebate2010 Façade Rebate Program - Now Accepting Applications

The Chicago City Council approved $300,000 of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds in the 2010 Budget for the Façade Rebate Program.  The Façade Rebate Program offers rebates to eligible commercial and industrial businesses and property owners who are willing to complete qualified façade rehabilitation projects. An eligible "façade" is the front face or elevation of the building, which typically faces the street and contains windows and the principal entrance to the building.

General guidelines are listed below, but please click here to view the official 2010 Façade Rebate Program Guide:
  • The maximum rebate is 50% up to $20,000 per project.
  • Applications must also comply with federal requirements for CDBG-funded projects, including prevailing wages. 
  • Commercial projects must be in a low- or moderate-income community, and industrial projects must be in areas that have been determined to qualify as slum/blight under the HUD definitions. 
  • Applicants in a TIF district with a Small Business Improvement Fund (SBIF) are not eligible for the Façade Rebate Program, so that funds can be conserved for businesses that do not have a SBIF. 
  • Buildings where a prior or existing tenant or property owner has participated in the Façade Rebate Program within the last 3 years for commercial projects or industrial projects are not eligible for the program. 
  • Funds for projects that are receiving or have received other types of City financial assistance are netted out from the potential Façade Rebate program. 
  • In anticipation of more applications submitted than available funds, the DCD will use a lottery method to select applicants.
Click here to download an application.  If you have questions about your status, please visit the DCD website or contact Ms. Dionne Baux, of the Chicago Department of Community Development (DCD), at  (312) 744-0678  (312) 744-0678 .

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fixmortgageFREE "Fix Your Mortgage" Seminar

The City of Chicago and Neighborhood Housing Services of Chicago are hosting a "Fix Your Mortgage" seminar where residents can find out how the new Federal Foreclosure Prevention Program can help them stay in their homes.  The seminar is scheduled to be held:

Saturday, July 24, 2010
9:30 AM to 2:00 PM
Little Village High School Campus
3120 S. Kostner Ave.
Chicago, IL 60623

Please call NHS of Chicago to pre-register:  773-429-4185  773-429-4185 .  Registration will close at 12:30pm the day of the event or when 1,000 registrations have been reached.  Click here for more information.

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citystickerextensionVehicle Sticker Deadline Extended Until July 30 - Enforcement for City Sticker and Residential Permit Parking Suspended until August 1st

Current City Stickers expire on June 30.  However, City Clerk Miguel del Valle recently announced an extension of the purchase and display deadline for the 2010-2011 annual vehicle sticker to Friday July 30, 2010.  The traditional grace period of July 15 has been extended by an extra two weeks to allow for the replacement of defective stickers that lacked sufficient adhesive.  As such, enforcement for 2010-2011 vehicle stickers and residential parking permits has been suspended and will not begin until August 1, 2010

Motorists who have already purchased a city sticker, and have not yet placed it on their vehicle windshield are encouraged to check that the adhesive is adequate.

Stickers are now available online at the Chicago City Clerk's website; there is no additional charge for online purchases and vehicle sticker prices remain unchanged from last year. 

To purchase a 2010-2011 sticker in person, residents must bring their driver's license or renewal form and know their vehicle license number.

Residents can check to see if their address falls in a residential parking zone by clicking here. Please visit the City Clerk's website for additional information on vehicle stickers and residential passes.

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sheddrescueShedd Aquarium to the Rescue

As a respected leader in the field of animal care and environmental conservation, Shedd Aquarium is now involved with Deepwater Horizon oil spill rescue and rehabilitation efforts.  They recently sent an experienced vet tech to New Orleans to work with Audubon Institute's sea turtle and marine mammal rescue and rehabilitation program. The vet tech will be working for the next two weeks at the Audubon Aquatic Center, who is currently caring for 106 sea turtles, 101 of them oil affected.

Shedd Aquarium has been participating in rescue and rehabilitation since 1989, when their animal care experts were deployed to Alaska to assist in sea otter rescue and rehabilitation during the Exxon-Valdez oil spill. Shedd experts have traveled the world, helping penguins in South Africa and, more recently, in Gumbo Limbo, Florida with sea turtle rescue following a deadly cold snap. The Shedd Aquarium remains active in protecting and preserving wildlife in our backyard, especially the Great Lakes, and around the world.

Recent Press:

Daily Herald

Now through Labor Day, the Shedd Aquarium is offering extended hours from 8:00am - 6:00pm.  As an added bonus, they are also offering a free upgrade for the first Fantasea show to the first 250 guests who purchase a SheddPass. 
The Shedd Aquarium is located at 1200 S. Lake Shore Drive.  For more information, please visit their website or call  312-939-2438  312-939-2438 .

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bookfairNewberry Library's 26th Annual Book Fair

The 26th Annual Newberry Library Book Fair at Newberry Library is one of Chicago's most popular used book binge!

Newberry Library
60 W. Walton Street
Thursday & Friday, July 29 - 30, from noon - 8:00pm
Saturday & Sunday, July 31 - Aug. 1 from 10:00am - 6:00pm

More than 120,000 donated books will be sorted into 70 categories for your browsing convenience.  Scour the sale for amazing deals on cookbooks, music, fiction, art books, children's literature, collectibles, and much, much more!  Most books are under $2, and admission is free.  Visit for more information.

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bughousedebateNewberry Library Hosting the Bughouse Square Debates!

On Saturday, July 31st from 1:00pm - 4:00pm the Newberry Library will be holding the Bughouse Square Debates in Washington Square Park, located at 901 N. Clark Street.

Exercise your first-amendment rights and relive the days of soapbox oratory and public debates that immortalized Washington Square Park. Celebrate Chicago's long history as a hub of free speech with soap boxers and a compelling main debate.

This year, the Newberry Library honors Kartemquin Films, a non-profit documentary film company whose work examines and critiques society through stories of real people, with its 2010 Altgeld Freedom of Speech Award.

Bughouse Square Committee members chose Kartemquin Films because its mission of "cinematic social inquiry" embodies the historic values of Bughouse Square and of Governor Altgeld.  Kartemquin has held a mirror up to American society for more than four decades by using video to uncover and disseminate reports of difficult, ignored, and unpopular subjects.  Kartemquin films include: Home for Life (1966), Hoop Dreams (1994) and No Crossover: The Trial of Allan Iverson (2010).

The Bughouse Square Committee is also pleased to announce this year's eclectic program of Soap Boxers. Soapbox speeches begin at 2:30 pm in Washington Square Park, and three soapboxes run simultaneously throughout the afternoon. Soapbox and Heckling Champions are announced at 4 pm. Click here to view a full list of this year's speakers and their topics.

Admission is free.  For more information, call  (312) 255-3700  (312) 255-3700 or visit the Newberry Library website.

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nno20102010 National Night Out Events!

National Night Out is a national event that celebrates safe communities. 

18th District:

On Tuesday, August 3rd  from 1:00pm - 4:00pm, the 18th District Chicago Police Department will be holding an old fashioned barbeque at Seward Park, located at 375 W. Elm Street.  This event will also feature outdoor games and a special performance by the Stamps Youth Group Marching Band.  All 18th District Community Members are welcome to join in the festivities.  Please contact the 18th District Community Policing office at  312-742-5778  312-742-5778 for additional details.

1st District:

On Tuesday, August 3rd from 5:00pm - 9:00pm the 1st District Chicago Police Department will be celebrating National Night Out in Grant Park at the southwest corner of Jackson Boulevard and Columbus Drive.  This family-friendly event is free of charge will feature pony rides, a petting zoo, food, raffles, giveaways, a DJ and kid's band.  Please contact the 1st District Community Policing office at  312-745-4381  312-745-4381 for additional details.

For more information on "National Night out against Crime" and its history, go to

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lakefrontaccessibilitypolicyCity of Chicago Summer Lakefront Festival Accessibility Policy

In an effort to ensure that the Summer Lakefront Festivals are accessible to guests with disabilities, the City of Chicago has adopted the following accessibility policy.
  • Accessible Seating for main stage performances Summer Lakefront Festivals, Petrillo Band Shell and Pritzer Pavilion
  • Sign Language Interpreters and Communication Access in Real-time Translation (CART)
  • Assisted Listening Systems (ALS) for all main stage performances and other performances upon request
  • Accessible Materials, such as festival brochures and schedules available in Braille and large print
  • Transportation Pick Up and Drop off Points for paratransit vehicles and guests transporting people with disabilities
Click here to view the entire City of Chicago Lakefront Accessibility Policy.  If you have questions regarding this policy, please contact the Mayor's Office of Special Events (MOSE) at  312.744.3316  312.744.3316 (Voice) or  312.673.2469  312.673.2469 (TTY).

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farmersmkt42nd Ward Farmer's Markets:

Federal Plaza - Adams and Dearborn
Open May 18 - October 26; Tuesdays 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Daley Plaza - Washington and Dearborn
Open May 13 - October 14; Thursdays 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Division Street - Division and Dearborn
Open May 15 - October 30; Saturdays 7:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Prudential Plaza - Lake and Beaubien Court
Open June 8 - October 26; Tuesdays 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Museum of Contemporary Art/Streeterville-Chicago and Mies van der Rohe Way
Open June 8 - October 26; Tuesdays 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Erie Street - 500 W. Erie Street
Open June 6 - October 10; Sundays 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Chicago's Downtown Farmstand - 66 E. Randolph

Open year round Tuesday - Friday from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.; Saturday 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

More information is available at:

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streetclosuresStreet Closures and Construction Update

Transformers 3 Movie Filming Notice
On the weekend of July 16, 17 and 18, Transformers 3 will be filming on the Michigan Avenue Bridge.  In addition, an aerial photography unit will be flying in the vicinity of Trump Tower at Wabash and the Chicago River.  For brief periods between the hours of 8:00am and 8:00pm on both Saturday and Sunday, helicopters will be used for both aerial photography and stunt parachutists.

The Chicago Fire Department and Chicago Police Department will also be on hand to supervise the use of special effects and pyrotechnics, including: simulated gunfire, smoke, fireballs and explosions.  Please note: for safety reasons, spectators will be kept at a distance and Transformer robots cannot be seen during filming as they are digital creations.

Location, Date and Time:
  • Full closure of Michigan Avenue from Ontario to Wacker beginning 8:00am on Thursday, July 15th through 5:00am on Monday, July 19th
  • Full closure of Lower Michigan Avenue from Lower Wacker to Hubbard beginning 8:00pm on Friday, July 16th through 5:00am on Monday, July 19th
Vehicle Detours:
  • Michigan Avenue southbound will be diverted at Ontario Street and detoured to Clark Street.
    • Ohio Street will be open to the east and northbound traffic only at Michigan Avenue
  • Michigan Avenue northbound will be diverted at Randolph and detoured to Dearborn Street
    • Water Street and Lake Street will be open for Local Traffic Only
  • Businesses and garages between Wacker and Randolph will be accessible
  • Upper E. North Water St. and CityFront Plaza Drive will be open to Local Traffic Only
Pedestrian Access:
  • Michigan Avenue sidewalks will remain open to pedestrians between Ohio and Illinois.  Stores and buildings will remain open. 
  • To cross the Chicago River, pedestrians will need to access the Wabash and Columbus Street Bridges
Michigan Avenue Closure Map:
Location: Upper Wacker Drive
Date and Time: 9:00pm on Sunday, July 18th through 5:00pm on Thursday, July 22nd
Traffic Impacts: Full closure of Wacker Drive between Michigan Avenue and Wabash

Location: 71 E. Wacker
Date and Time: 5:00am on Thursday, July 22nd through 10:00pm on Friday, July 23rd
Traffic Impacts: Sidewalk closure on south side of Wacker from 69 E. to 85 E. Wacker Drive

Location: River North, Various Locations
Date and Time: Saturday July 17 and Sunday July 18 between 7:00am and 10:00am
Traffic Impacts: Periodic closures for helicopter stunts and noisy effects at the following locations:

  • Hubbard between Clark and State

  • Kinzie between Clark and State

  • Dearborn between Wacker and Hubbard

  • State between Wacker and Hubbard

  • Wabash between Wacker and Kinzie
Transformers 3 CTA Traffic Impacts
Twenty-two downtown CTA bus routes will be rerouted temporarily due to the closure of Michigan Avenue between Ohio and Randolph for the filming of "Transformers 3."  The reroutes are in effect from 7 p.m., Thursday, July 15 until approximately 5 a.m. Monday, July 19. 

CTA recommends that customers traveling in the Michigan Avenue corridor allow extra travel time.  Generally, most northbound buses will move from Michigan to Dearborn and southbound to Clark. The Red Line offers a convenient, nearby alternative to bus service.

To view the entire list of affected bus routes, click here to view the CTA Press Release.

Chicago Film Office Notice
Location: 835 N. Michigan Ave.
Date and Time: 7:00am on Monday, July 19th through 7:00pm on Friday, July 23rd
Traffic Impacts: Parking prohibited on south side of E. Pearson Street from Dewitt Place to Lake Shore Drive

Northwestern Demolition of MRI Center--441 E. Ontario
Northwestern Memorial Hospital began demolition of the MRI center (441 E Ontario) on Monday, June 21st, the site of the new parking garage and child care center. The main work for the first two weeks will include the installation of construction fencing and sidewalk canopies on Ohio Street and site protection on Ontario Street and the interior demolition of the building.  The demolition of the exterior will begin on or about July 6.  Demolition will be complete on or about July 30.  Construction of the parking garage is anticipated to begin in October 2010. In all of our work, we will attempt to minimize disruption to the neighborhood.

Demolition hours will be 8:00am to 4:30pm, Monday through Friday. No Saturday work is planned.  The debris will be watered to minimize dust. Trucks removing the material will be covered.  Trucks will access on Ohio Street and leave the site from Ontario Street.

Victoria Navarro is the NMH project manager and will be supervising the work by Brandenburg.  Her phone number is  312-926-5415  312-926-5415 ; cell:  312-909-9980  312-909-9980 .

Children's Memorial Construction Update
To allow for filming of the Transformers movie, the City has issued revised dates for street closures related to the installation of the Superior St. Bridge.  Please reference the update below for detailed information about the revised closures. Children's Memorial Hospital continues construction on the Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago at 225 E. Chicago Ave. (next to Northwestern Memorial's Prentice Women's Hospital).

In July, they will continue finishing up the exterior work.  Almost all of the pre-cast (skin of the building) and windows have been installed.  In addition, there is significant interior work taking place on each floor. On the upper levels, drywall is being installed, and plumbing and electrical work continues.  On the lower levels, workers are painting walls, protecting and sealing floors, and preparing for installation of cabinets. Also, construction continues on the 5th floor bridge connecting Lurie Children's to Prentice Women's Hospital (all work to be done on site); as well as the 2nd floor pedestrian bridge connecting Lurie Children's, Prentice and the parking garage for families and visitors.

Due to the nature of the work related to the installation of the pedestrian bridge across Superior St, lane or street closures will be required in the area in front of the parking garage during portions of the project. Below is the anticipated schedule.

Superior St. Bridge Installation:
June 1, 2010 - March 1, 2011 (target date subject to weather, etc.)

Temporary Partial Closures of Superior St. Traffic Lane in Front of Parking Garage:
May 31 - August 16, 2010

Temporary Weekend Full Closures of Superior St. Traffic Lanes in Front of Parking Garage from 7am-7pm (subject to weather, etc.):
July 24-25, 2010
July 31-August 1, 2010
August 14-15, 2010
Early 2011 (TBD)

During July, work will continue to occur Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to late afternoon or early evening, and Saturdays from 8 a.m. to late afternoon.  Work on Sundays is also likely, to continue timely completion of construction.  You may notice increased truck activity related to deliveries.  All work will be performed consistent with the City noise code requirements.

They will continue to update everyone on their construction progress. Construction update and other information are posted at

For additional information, please contact Nahlah Daddino, Director of Community Relations for Children's Memorial Hospital at  773-975-8733  773-975-8733 or

Congress Parkway Bridge/Wacker Drive
The closures related to the first of four major IDOT and CDOT roadway projects have begun in addition to work on the Congress Parkway bridge reconstruction.  Traffic impacts will occur on Congress Parkway and Wacker Drive. 

These changes will remain in place through 2012.  For more project information, visit:

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upcomingCAPSUpcoming CAPS Meetings

CAPS meetings offer city residents an opportunity to address crime and safety issues directly with the beat cops who patrol their neighborhood, as well as to provide ongoing feedback, which helps the police to monitor crime issues.

Beat 1323 will be meeting this week on Wednesday, July 21st at 7:00 p.m. at the Northwest Settlement House, located at 1012 N. Noble St., 2nd Fl.

If you would like further information regarding upcoming CAPS meetings, please call your Police District's CAPS office.

1st District:  312-745-4381  312-745-4381
12th District:  312-746-8306  312-746-8306
13th District:  312-746-8355  312-746-8355
18th District:  312-742-5778  312-742-5778

To find your district and beat, please click here.

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CPDnoticesImportant Notices from Chicago Police Department

Seat Check Saturday - Child Safety Seat Inspection!
The 18th District and the Traffic Safety Unit of the Chicago Police Department will be holding Seat Check Saturday on July 31from 10:00am to 2:00pm in the Near North Station South Parking Lot, located at 1160 N. Larrabee Street.  Pull in to have your child safety seat inspected by a police officer to ensure it is installed correctly. For more information, contact the Community Policing Office at  312 742-5778  312 742-5778 .

Donations of Clothing Needed for Veterans
The 18th District Chicago Police Department will have a collection box in the station, located 1160 N. Larrabee Street, for veterans at the Jesse Brown VA Medical Center through July 31, 2010.
The Voluntary Service Clothing Room at the Jesse Brown VAMC is in immediate need of ALL seasonal men's clothing, especially the following items:
Shoes (all types) - all sizes, with special need for sizes 9 and up Pants (long), all sizes, with special need for sizes 34 - 4

All donated items can be new or gently used, with the exception of socks and underwear, which must be new.  All donations are also tax deductible - be sure to fill out a donation form when dropping off.

Break the Silence
Anyone who suspects that an older adult is being mistreated by someone should call the Illinois Department on Aging's 24-Hour Elder Abuse Hotline: at  1-866-800-1409  1-866-800-1409 or  1-888-206-1327  1-888-206-1327 (TTY).
Elder Abuse and Neglect Program services are provided through local community agencies. Reports may also be made directly to the elder abuse provider agency where the older adult resides. For local information visit:
Elder abuse is a term referring to any negligent act by a caregiver or any other adult that causes harm or a serious risk of harm to a vulnerable adult. Illinois law defines abuse, neglect and exploitation as:
  • Physical abuse - inflicting physical pain or injury upon an older adult.
  • Sexual abuse - touching, fondling, intercourse, or any other sexual activity with an older adult, when the older adult is unable to understand, unwilling to consent, threatened or physically forced.
  • Emotional abuse - verbal assaults, threats of abuse, harassment or intimidation.
  • Confinement - restraining or isolating an older adult, other than for medical reasons.
  • Passive neglect - the caregiver's failure to provide an older adult with life's necessities, including, but not limited to, food, clothing, shelter or medical care.
  • Willful deprivation - willfully denying an older adult medication, medical care, shelter, food, a therapeutic device or other physical assistance, and thereby exposing that adult to the risk of physical, mental, or emotional harm - except when the older adult has expressed an intent to forego such care.
  • Financial exploitation - the misuse or withholding of an older adult's resources by another, to the disadvantage of the older adult or the profit or advantage of someone else.
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lightbulbSave Energy with a FREE Light Bulb

Alderman Reilly, the Citizens Utility Board (CUB) and the Department of Environment want to help you save energy and money this summer.  Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs are available at Alderman Reilly's Constituent Office (one per person).  In order to receive a free bulb, please be prepared to sign up with your name, address and email.  These bulbs last up to 9 years and use of up 75% less energy.  That's 10 times longer than regular light bulbs! 

Feel free to stop by the Constituent Service Office during our normal business hours to pick up a free light bulb.  For more information please visit or Chicago Department of Environment website.

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website42nd Ward Website

The 42nd Ward website is designed to help local residents, businesses and community groups find quick answers to questions about city services and programs. On this site you'll find links to the most requested city services and other useful resources located within downtown Chicago's 42nd Ward. Please visit the Alderman Reilly's "virtual office" at

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Office of Alderman Brendan Reilly
325 W. Huron St., Ste. 510
 (312) 642-4242  (312) 642-4242
(312) 642-0420 (fax)

Office of Alderman Brendan Reilly
City Hall
121 N. LaSalle St., Room 200
 (312) 744-3062  (312) 744-3062

In this week's Reilly Reports:
Results from Alderman Reilly's Second Motorcycle Sting Operation!

42nd Ward Crosswalk Sting Operation Results!

Proposal to Rename Erie Park (Park No. 511) - "A. Montgomery Ward Park"

Join Alderman Reilly in Support of the River North Residents' Association at the Taste of River North!

Navy Pier Flyover Project Unveiled!

iPhone Thefts in Downtown Chicago
...and much more!

Upcoming Events
Newberry Library's 26th Annual Book Fair
Newberry Library Hosting the Bughouse Square Debates This Saturday!

FREE "Fix Your Mortgage" Seminar

2010 National Night Out Events!

Quick Links
42nd Ward Farmers Markets
Street Closures and Construction Update

Upcoming CAPS Meetings

Important Notices from Chicago Police Department

Save Energy with a FREE Light Bulb

Important Information
2010 Façade Rebate Program - Now Accepting Applications

Vehicle Sticker Deadline Extended Until July 30th - Enforcement for City Sticker and Residential Permit Parking Suspended until August 1st

Shedd Aquarium to the Rescue

City of Chicago Summer Lakefront Festival Accessibility Policy
42nd Ward Website

Contact Us!

Office of Alderman Brendan Reilly
325 W. Huron Street
Suite 510
 (312) 642-4242  (312) 642-4242
(312) 642-0420 (fax)

Office of Alderman Brendan Reilly
City Hall
121 N. LaSalle Street
Room 200
 (312) 744-3062  (312) 744-3062
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Alderman Brendan Reilly, 42nd Ward | 325 West Huron Street | Suite 510 | Chicago | IL | 60654