You tell me how to end love.
Give me a potion that whitewashes time and love.
Give it to me, and I will drink
and I will live and I will love despite your best intentions and efforts.
It seems to me, that when one heart stops beating the one left with rhythm is held harmless for loving,
allowed to hold and keep sacred that love forever
without question, judgment or repercussion
But when one heart does something less, the other life gains no allowance
Only a scale on which denial and truth present for decision
Between truth’s painful strokes and the numbing deception of denial
It is not love that ends, it is life or life’s comfort with love that ends.
Love’s comfort that we love, need, miss and above all
Fear, seek find and hold until acceptance of love exposes fear for acceptance
and with acceptance, love’s comfort
In fear we most humanly fight love or fly from it, until courage to accept and acceptance quiets fear in its corner.
There is no true love, no false love, only love
Our only choice is accept or reject and love does not care whether we accept or reject
it simply is what it is…everything, nothing, and anything in between.
Love is no guarantee of comfort. It is awareness and acceptance of soul comfort and a guarantee of discomfort.
It is love’s discomfort that returns us, with every breath, to our lone choice
Love’s discomfort tips one to accept fear over new comfort, to shield with lemoned razors
While one is willing and wanting to endure the trials and accept love's life,
to hold the warm velvet ropes close and around
so white water can heal and black cannot burn
Love wants to live. Love knows it is eternal, yet fights against denial for survival in brief life
In life, love finds immortal breath and beat.
In life, love finds us.
While integrity remains you can tell me to end love
You cannot tell me how, because it cannot be done while or beyond my breath
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