Response to Karl Frisch's column of 20 Sept 2011
Brilliant. Thank you for succinctly and pointedly calling the GOP on their hypocrisy, They are arrogant enough to believe this strategy will work ad nauseum...time for it to backfire.
A lot of decisions and policies were enacted in public and private sectors...long before current administration...that drifted Americans toward the wealth and poverty poles. The dearth of middle class, the discontinuation of good and equitable education, and simplification of health care for many to a choice between debt and death...these results evidence of successful class warfare campaign waged by the powerful against the plebs (myself included).
We need social leadership that will do for economically oppressed Americans what MLK did for civil rights--affirm the inequity and illegality of our current state, renew our commitment to peace and prosperity, ignite our potential and awaken our power.
I believe there are many out there who, like me, wallowed in the complacency of middle class while a slow, quiet drip eroded our economic security. I knew fear for the first time upon waking up in actual statistical poverty and finally noticing the target on my back. Having survived so far, and having worked through fear for survival, I now know anger. Not a white-hot and irrational anger, but a focused and directed anger that is intelligent, educated, experienced and ready for action. They want to call "Class Warfare?" Bring it on. You're right, Karl. We have engaged.
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