Sunday, September 18, 2011

If Tea Party-ers listened to themselves...

I just love this exchange, gotta share.  I stumbled into a right-wing string of photo comments via a friend's post.  The basic thought was that current Congress and Administration has spent us into current economic state.  As a fan of reality, I just had to jump in, and was rewarded with a perfect example of the American who are so well trained to accept the latest 30 seconds of message as Truth that they are no longer conscious of what they themselves said or heard 30 seconds ago. The whole thing is @

I said...
Apparently calendars are as out of fashion as facts. The money that's causing today's problems was spent by the gov't and lost by Wall St & Co BEFORE  Obama took office. The money spent since was an attempt to fix the debt and insolvency problems created by the prior Administration(s) and Congress(s). I'm not qualified to say bailouts were right or wrong, enough or not enough. I am grateful that the current Administration and Congress had the guts to shore up the banks so that the damage wasn't worse. I am sad that those who received and managed the money did not do so with more integrity and accountability. I am ashamed of Americans who decide to forget or neglect facts in favor of the emotional rush of belonging they get from FoxNews, the Tea Party and other distortion purveyors. The collaboration needed to reverse our political and economic state is difficult enough without rejecting reality. Please re-introduce critical thinking into your thinking process before you cast your next vote.

Respondent said... doesn't take a degree in "critical thinking" to determine that spending more than you're taking in, throwing good money after bad, pandering to voters and companies simply for voter turnout, using racially motivated politics, and flat out ignorance are reasons enough to declare this administration a farce. Please stop using talking points from liberal commentators, we've heard them all before and they are really, really old and pathetic. Instead of the skipping record of blaming the previous administration, how about TAKING RESPONSIBLITY FOR THE INEPTITUDE of the current leaders? Pointing fingers is a sign of weakness, and you have displayed yours. A popular trend amongst simple minded people such as yourself....

So I said...
Donny, note the difference between "pointing fingers" and stating facts. It's a good place for you to start. That "skipping record" is reality attempting to break through rhetoric. All the best to you.

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