Saturday, December 18, 2010

Know Love

You tell me how to end love.
Give me a potion that whitewashes time and love. 
Give it to me, and I will drink
and I will live and I will love despite your best intentions and efforts.

It seems to me, that when one heart stops beating the one left with rhythm is held harmless for loving,
allowed to hold and keep sacred that love forever
without question, judgment or repercussion

But when one heart does something less, the other life gains no allowance
Only a scale on which denial and truth present for decision
Between truth’s painful strokes and the numbing deception of denial

It is not love that ends, it is life or life’s comfort with love that ends.
Love’s comfort that we love, need, miss and above all
Fear, seek find and hold until acceptance of love exposes fear for acceptance
and with acceptance, love’s comfort

In fear we most humanly fight love or fly from it, until courage to accept and acceptance quiets fear in its corner. 
There is no true love, no false love, only love
Our only choice is accept or reject and love does not care whether we accept or reject
it simply is what it is…everything, nothing, and anything in between.

Love is no guarantee of comfort.  It is awareness and acceptance of soul comfort and a guarantee of discomfort.
It is love’s discomfort that returns us, with every breath, to our lone choice
Love’s discomfort tips one to accept fear over new comfort, to shield with lemoned razors
While one is willing and wanting to endure the trials and accept love's life,
to hold the warm velvet ropes close and around
so white water can heal and black cannot burn

Love wants to live.  Love knows it is eternal, yet fights against denial for survival in brief life
In life, love finds immortal breath and beat.
In life, love finds us.

While integrity remains you can tell me to end love
You cannot tell me how, because it cannot be done while or beyond my breath 

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I am a writer

(Capability + Courage) Challenge = Fearlessness

The Power of Sharing …  is the article I’m supposed to be writing right now.  This is what happened instead. 

The Power of Sharing
The Power of Challenge

A few months ago, I lived in fear. I knew it.  I hated it.  I almost hated myself for allowing fear to keep its grip around my feet, hands and neck.  I felt powerless. 

I fully believed that I had all of the information, knowledge and experience I needed to turn my life away from poverty, foreclosure and looming homelessness.  But I didn’t make that turn.  I couldn’t.  Lack trumped hope and will every moment of every day.  I felt defeated.

I lacked the smiles, safety and respect of others.  I missed others’ belief in me.  I felt alone.

My belief that I had what it took to return my life to solid ground was wrong.  I lacked Challenge. 

True, I had challenges every day.  Even with my head buried in the sand, I knew they were there.  They came in the mail, down the phone and into my email inbox whether I acknowledged them or not.

I also could not hide from the voice of a new challenge.  The voice had a faraway pitch that I could neither hear nor ignore, and spoke to me through the women in my life.  Within the small span of several days, I heard “Women’s Resource Center” and “Challenge” three times. 

I got the message.  I found courage sufficient to break through my medieval wall of shame, reach for the door and accept whatever Challenge might be. 

It turned out that for me, the challenge within Challenge was reaching across the threshold of shame with acceptance of the Unknown. 

Experience soon revealed, with its characteristically twisted sense of humor, that my Unknown was a Known.  In Challenge, I said out loud and to other human beings for the first time, “I am a writer.”

Now, it’s one thing to have known this since I was a child, to have used words to underpin my education and career as Anything But a Writer, and to wear—for four decades—the hair shirt of a frustrated writer who doesn’t write.  How many times had I inwardly and outwardly laughed and scowled at the knowledge, “Writers write.” 

And that was my illusion of safety.  As long as I didn’t write, I wasn’t really a writer.  Being a writer was one thing.  Believing I could Make A Living as a writer was a presumptuous, arrogant, self-indulgent, unattainable self-fulfilling prophecy of doom.  And my responsibility to Make A Living was an atomic element of my upbringing and being.

Writing, apparently, is a sub-atomic element of my being that has a trumpet blast for a voice, once found.  And the voice of my writer has triumphantly trumped the generations-deep Scots Irish Midwestern Presbyterian reverb of personal responsibility. 

Ah, what the Hell.  I wasn’t making a living anyway.  I was, in fact, getting buried by my past and present efforts to make a living. 

When I spoke the words “I am a writer” aloud, I heard those generations turning and shrieking.  I might have picked up some faint shred of respect for my courage, but I wasn’t’ sure. 

But that was it.  The sky didn’t fall, no biophysical catastrophe sparked spontaneous combustion, and none of my Challenge fellows gasped all of the oxygen out of the room.  They accepted me and what I said with smiles and interest. 

In hindsight, it is tempting to see this as a simple moment.  I know better.  That small moment was the sum total of all of my experience and the prophet of my future.  My dad taught me a favorite saying, “God, don’t grant me luck, grant me timing.”  The name of that moment was, and remains, Timing.

My Challenge experience was a challenge to accept the challenge I’d been given before birth: Write.  To accept this challenge, I had to first accept that I had the right stuff—capability and courage—all along.  I was missing the catalyst of Challenge. 

As catalyst, Challenge did not judge, threaten or scream “Just do it!”  It gave me a rhythm of reliably safe space, free of judgment, bills and bill collectors. 

Those women in my Challenge class wove their fingers together between clasped hands and laid their shared strength before me as a bridge over my sucking vortex of grief and shame.  Every time their power saw me safely to the other side, they allowed me to stop, turn and lend my own strength for the next of us about to fall.  No matter how many times I needed their strength, it was always there.  It still is. 

I still live under the threat of foreclosure, but I do so without fear.  I am now two to three hundred monthly revenue dollars away from re-writing my mortgage. 

I have replaced fear of success with a joyous vision of myself accepting some public accolade for something I’ve written—maybe an award, an interview or even a check.  When that public moment occurs, I will share one truth: the moment belongs to my teachers, and exists only because women had the courage to walk into the Women’s Resource Center of Sarasota County, accept Challenge, and re-gift me with Timing. 

You who keep the heart of this community treasure beating ensure that Timing awaits every woman with the courage to accept Challenge.  Don’t stop doing.  Don’t stop giving.  Don’t stop believing in me. 

PS:  Thank you, W, poster boy of the Great Recession, for the Great Recession.  It gifted me the poverty and shame I needed to bring me to the Women’s Resource Center and this moment.  My gift to you and your colleagues is a warning: We will not go gentle into your good night.  We don’t forget.  We speak.  We share.  We write.  We have Timing.

Note to self…new title…Power

Monday, August 30, 2010

Was Ray Bradbury Irish?

"You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you."
--Ray Bradbury 

I just discovered this quote, and have to ask, "Was he Irish?"  The (brilliant!) person that pointed me toward Ray Bradbury as an author who authored on writing is the same person who responded to my angst over the exact clinical nature of my so-called mental health, saying "Yeah, and maybe you're just Irish."  

Well, I am.  I am an Ulsterwoman.  We are strong, independent carriers of the warrior gene, armed with modern-day weapons (such as words, in the case of this poor fool) and searching the hills of urban existence for battle.  Oh, woe unto the warrior poet who finds himself in the arms of an Ulsterwoman, for he will be possessed forever by her possession of his soul.  And woe to children of  Ulserwomen, for they will have expectations heaped upon them that they can never exceed except in their own mother's eyes.  

This Ulsterwoman has carried her word-weapons on her back since she found them next to her crib. They are now in her hands firmly and aimed true at the necks of those who pervert the truth.   

This mad Irishwoman is a Warrior for Truth.  My battlefield is reality.  It will not destroy me. 

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Bootstrap Brilliance

I don't know about you, but I need some new bootstraps.  Mine are, surprisingly, not broken or worn out despite my many years of pulling my considerable self up by them.  I can still pull but I don't get any lift.  No upward torque. They just don't work anymore.

Wait...I feel a song coming on...(yes, apparently I woke up in a musical version of my life this morning...).
If Jerrod Neimann will excuse my bastardization of his "Lover, Lover" lyrics, my song goes "Oh leather, leather, leather, you don't lift me no good no more."  

OK, that's enough of that.  Here's the Knowledge Shared that offers one explanation for why my trusty old bootstraps ain't liftin' no good no more. I swear I didn't write it.  In fact, it comes to us courtesy of The Economist\Intelligent Life\On Bootstraps.
“Lifting oneself by one’s bootstraps is an almost entirely American accomplishment,” wrote I.A.R. Wylie in a 1927 article in the Sunday Times London...The disadvantage, she continues, is that “there are more second rate people in first class positions than there ought to be…all right so long as there is plenty of room for the first rate man who has no capacity for bootstrapping and so long as there is no sudden crisis.” So perhaps bootstrapping is yet another reason for our financial woes;  arrogant, second-rate bootstrapping traders crowded out all of those first-class market experts.
Damn you, Rampant Mediocrity!

I do not apologize

for existing
for surviving
for my presence
for what you think of what I say
for being nasty, brutish and tall
for being kind, considerate and helpful
for my intelligence
for my capabilities -- the ability to apply intelligence for results
for my height
for my weight
for my blonde hair and blue eyes
for my perception
for my intuition
for reading minds.  (observation+empathy)(ability to discern patterns) = not that hard
for my status
for you

Sunday, August 22, 2010

What's another word for "Thesaurus"?

Word freaks, rejoice!  Check out this beta I found on for

My suggestion:  type in a basic word like "play" or "work" and then sit back and watch what happens.  Looks like its going to be a subscription, not free like, but if you get addicted there's at least a 14 day free trial.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Way cool personality test

I really get a kick outta things like this, when they're done well.  Like this one.

I think my results are pretty on-target.  What do you think?    
My personalDNA Report

The provider, PersonalDNA, even offers a way to invite people you know to test you back.  If you wanna do me, let me know.  I'd love it.

Monday, August 16, 2010

The Harley-Davidson Pitch

28 July 2010

ATTN: Karen Davidson and the Marvelous Marketing Clan at HD
"Your Path is Behind You" is one of my personally copyrighted slogans. For a long time, I've wanted to pitch it to Harley Davidson for brand marketing/advertising.  Today is the day. 
If I were nearer Milwaukee, I'd write it on a post-it note with my phone number, do whatever it takes to get it onto your desk, and let the words speak for themselves.  I am in Florida, so I'll offer a few of my own words to illustrate:
I know you can see the still image of a woman on a Harley stopped at the top of a moraine, feet on the road.  You see her from the back, and can see the road road behind her while in front of her it dips off the horizon. She is facing her unknowable path with a confidence that comes only from experiencing, surviving her unique life.  She's still standing.  Her path is behind her. 
Also works for a man, a couple, a family, a dog in the sidecar? ...anyone, any time, any place.
I'm not going to give you the hard marketing/advertising pitch.  Why not get the point across on a post-it?  An email at the most.
Your statisticians can give you the numbers, and I alone can tell you how this slogan originated in a Chicago bar.  I was stressing over my career path, how I'd do what and when, how I might know and exceed expectations to get ahead like I "should."  Mac, the brilliant corporate superpower who was listening to me said, "Moira, your career path is what's behind you!"  My entire world rocked 180 degrees. 

I want Harley Davidson to adopt this slogan as its own and make marketing history with it.  I want every human on this planet to have their own unique experience with those words, and share the limitless wisdom of Mac's words.  I want "Your Path is Behind You" to be the slogan of HD culture.  Think of the stories, images and videos people will post.  Who has not survived any or every form of natural, economic and personal disaster?  Who has not cried tears of absolute joy at a birth or wedding and wondered, "What can possibly top this?"

Conventional wisdom says the Holy Grail of marketing is a bond of belonging with consumers.  Well, we got it.  Every human on the planet who has ever been exposed to popular culture knows that Harley means freedom.  Whether or not they ride, or even want to ride, they want Harley's brand of freedom.  Let's shout "Your Path is Behind You," watch heads turn 180 as they realize they already have Harley freedom...they already belong. They will buy. Even if it is just a t-shirt, they will buy it and they will not have to explain a thing...they belong.

Karen, let's make the magic.  How hard can it be?  Sure, money is an output. Money always follows good ideas that achieve execution. How that happens is open.  I want Mac to earn a share (won't HE be surprised). Regarding timing, today works for me.  I am, after all, a 47-year old poster child for the recession.  To build my own boat out of this recession, I am fueling every great idea I've ever had with focus and energy.  That happens to mean today is a good day for you and HD.

I'll write the first submission to the "Your Path is Behind You" culture club Web site.  In fact, that's a great idea...I'll write it and send it to you as a follow up. 
In the meantime, Let's talk.

[PII redacted for blog publication]


Check out the original design now! 

Women's ¾ Sleeve Boatneck Tee - Long Sleeve Shirts White Your path is behind you Long Sleeve Shirts
Spreadshirt Market Place Product
White Your path is behind you Long Sleeve Shirts

For your enjoyment, Noodle!

Noodle is currently a prototype book for children and adults on religion, spirituality and world peace. It has brought some to tears, and provoked anger in others. What's your response?  

As a written work, Noodle is a bit deceptive. It aims for adult hearts and minds via childrens' language. It is an answer to "Peace--How hard can it be?" and may be read as a simple tale, an introduction to cultures and religions, or as the basis for vigorous political, economic and spiritual debate. I consider The Giving Tree and Harold and the Purple Crayon to be highly relevant comparisons in that both engage toddlers, teens, parents, educators, world leaders and everyone in between. Harold was my favorite as a child, and when I re-discovered it several years ago, I was astounded to discern a thoroughly adult messages: Resourcefullness, self-sufficiency and peserverance.

If you'd like a read, it is available here for $5.  By the way, I don't consider this self-publishing.  Rather it is a way to both solicit feedback and generate a bit of support for The (emerging) Rosebush Tour.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

My Purple Crayon

Harold and the Purple Crayon may be the most important book I've ever read.  Certainly I've read that book a thousand times more than any other, in part or whole.  I read it before I could read, and I read it today.

It teaches me the same lessons every time I read it.

  • Life is one walk in the moonlight.
  • With your purple crayon, you have the power and ability to create everything you need for your walk in the moonlight.  
  • Even when you forget that you have a purple crayon and the moon, they are there.  

What changes is me, my time and my context.  Every time I look, I'm on a different page.

Today, Harold and I are on page 18, which a vast improvement over page 17.  We, again, have many pages to turn and turn again.  It's a bit like a Super Spirograph design; There are any number of turns and cycles whirring again and again inside one simple, elegant and eloquent outline.  

I can't count the number of times I've re-started and re-cycled my life and learning through the pages of Harold.   I know that every start and cycle is held between the front and back cover.  I know that Harold's journey starts one evening when he decides to go for a walk in the moonlight, and ends before dawn when is purple crayon drops to the floor and he drops off to sleep.   Just like mine.  

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

In America, sociopaths have a competitive advantage.

If you believe you do not know at least one sociopath and/or are not impacted by sociopathic behavior, you're wrong.  This layman's guide is reprinted without permission from Hypocrisy Today, the official journal of the American Society of Sociopaths.  Have a read, and then re-examine the role sociopathy plays in your life. Sleep tight, we'll talk about it in the morning.

A sociopath is an individual whose behavior is socially acceptable, and in fact, who appears to be an ideal person. In reality, this individual sees no value in other people except as they may affect his/her own self-gratification.

We [A.S.S.] think sociopaths are grossly misunderstood by their fellowpersons, and are dedicated to correcting this abberation of human perspective. In keeping with current self-help, feel- good trends, we have gathered together, sociopathically, to
  • create awareness of the problem,
  • scold society for allowing it to continue unabated,
  • whine about the trauma it has caused in our lives,
  • seek justice (and perhaps a healthy class-action settlement),
  • and to generally behave in sociopathically- acceptable ways.

    Sunday, August 1, 2010

    Opinion Published by Sarasota Herald-Tribune Mar 04

    Questions on Newtown market

    Published: Tuesday, March 2, 2004 at 3:25 a.m.
    Last Modified: Tuesday, March 2, 2004 at 12:00 a.m.
    This story appeared in print on page A12

    Phenomenal. Any community or neighborhood that drives its future with both interest and action is to be congratulated. But it is not enough. The Feb. 23 article "Newtown may soon get open-air market" raises, but does not answer, some interesting questions. The answers would demonstrate whether Sarasota city and neighborhood leaders will go beyond congratulations and offer real support for positive action and a sound economy.

    The property was rezoned after vendors (described as unlicensed) ceased operations due to zoning and licensing issues. Will those vendors (e.g., Bernice Heggs) be offered licensing assistance and first refusal on market space in Lonnie Ward Jr.'s phase- one flea market?
    Beyond rezoning, how is the city supporting development?
    Does the neighborhood need or want the market/bazaar to evolve into a large shopping center and grocery store?
    Does anyone besides Mr. Ward own the 30,000 square feet of land and, therefore, stand to gain economically from immediate revenue and proof of economic viability for longer-term and/or larger development projects?
    In the article, Mr. Ward invites "other races" to shop at the market. So let's talk about that.
    A few years ago, Sarasota was awarded two titles by two national publications: It was ranked in the top 10 of American cities for living and working. It was also ranked as one of America's top 10 segregated cities.
    I have long agreed with the first. And I agree, technically, with the second. We are segregated. I have argued that ours is not a negative, racist separation but a positive, desirable aspect of community and neighborhood.
    How will developers and vendors use the market to positively promote Sarasota as both a fantastic place to live and a city of great neighborhoods and communities?
    [name redacted]
    This story appeared in print on page A12

    I write like
    H. P. Lovecraft
    I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

    Opinion Published by Sarasota Herald-Tribune Jan 08

    Buchanan's $5,000 'robocall'

    Published: Wednesday, January 30, 2008 at 1:42 a.m.
    Last Modified: Wednesday, January 30, 2008 at 1:42 a.m.
    This story appeared in print on page A18_OPED

    What's done is done. U.S. Rep. Vern Buchanan split legal hairs to spend $5,000 of taxpayer money to make an automated campaign phone call. What are we going to do to make sure this never happens again?

    First, according to Jeremy Wallace's column, Buchanan is aware of the legal loophole that allows "robocalls" without disclosure. Buchanan is certainly aware that campaign action out of a congressional office violates the law.
    So, while Buchanan may have followed the letter of the current law with his robo-call, he clearly violated the intent of the laws that he is in D.C. to create, uphold and protect.
    Second, let's be clear that this sure looked like a $5,000 campaign call.
    If Buchanan's true intent was an extra report on results that favor working-class families, wouldn't he just robocall working-class families? "New technology" certainly has the data on us to sort out the appropriate targets.
    Finally, let's elect a representative in November who has personal integrity. Representatives who respect their constituents don't split hairs in order to violate the intent of the law while adhering to the letter of the law.
    Buchanan can't undo this $5,000 episode, but we can hold him accountable for his use of our money.
    He can sponsor legislation that closes the disclosure loophole that he leveraged with this robocall.
    [Name redacted]
    This story appeared in print on page A18_OPED

    Opinion Published by Sarasota Herald-Tribune May 08

    Which projects will jump-start local business?

    Published: Saturday, May 3, 2008 at 10:18 a.m.
    Last Modified: Saturday, May 3, 2008 at 10:18 a.m.
    This story appeared in print on page A12_OPED

    Sarasota Countians voted YES to paying for projects with a local-option, add-on sales tax of 1 percent to benefit our economy, environment and lifestyle.

    Vote YES again on Tuesday.
    The facts say that by voting YES to the bond issue, we can jump-start some "PennyWise" projects and gain the benefits sooner rather than later.
    However, after the bond issue is approved come the decisions we will not make:
    The county will decide which projects will be funded by the bond issue and jump-started.
    I am pleading with the county to add one measure to its decision-making. There is a lot of talk these days about economic stimulus, so I'll call my measure the Economic Stimulus Value. The existing measures offered on the PennyWise icon on the county's Web site count the inflation dollars saved by spending now and speak to jobs created by the projects themselves. That's great but those are short-term benefits.
    It is critical that the county evaluate which projects will give area businesses what they need to leverage our investment into long-term, stable and sustainable economic growth, a.k.a., an Economic Stimulus Value.
    I don't have the tools and data to measure the Economic Stimulus Value. Others can and must, because I want every tax dollar spent to generate growth beyond short-term projects.
    We've given the county funded projects, and now we're going to give the county a bonded loan to jump-start the projects. Please give us back completed projects that best enable our business community to grow.
    [Name redacted for blog publication]
    This story appeared in print on page A12_OPED

    Communications Cover Letter Jul 08

    Date Monday, July 14, 2008

    Re Application for Florida Public Relations and Communications Manager (Sarasota)

    I hope you are as pleased to find my application as I am to find your listing for a Public Relations and Communications Manager. Coldwell Banker’s investment in media relations is smart business any day, and particularly in our current economic environment.

    Please allow me, via this letter, to share with you why I believe I am uniquely qualified to excel in this position. Beyond my resume (attached), I ask that you review the following alignment of my capabilities and your business needs, as described in the position description.

    First, My Most Recent PR Success

    Last week is a good demonstration of how my public relations expertise creates results and business value. I organized a Smart and Safe Living Conference, sponsored by my employer (Palms-Robarts/Dignity Memorial) and held at Sarasota’s own Senior Friendship Center. In addition to creating a first-time collaborative relationship with the Florida Department of Elder Affairs, I generated a week of media coverage that included a Sarasota Herald Tribune feature on Tuesday followed by Best Bets on Thursday. On the morning the event, an SNN news crew taped interviews and B-roll for a story that enjoyed a two-day rotation.

    Next, I’ll elaborate a bit on my areas of relevant expertise:

    Media Relations
    • Areas of my strategic communication planning and delivery expertise include Media Relations, Integrated Marketing Communications, Executive Communications, Market and Thought Leadership Campaign Development and Management, Community Outreach and Business-to-Business Relations.
    • My communications career began in Public Relations, first in the area of sports and entertainment then financial/investor relations. As career specializations in technology and marketing evolved, my ability to create and execute strategic communications plans for internal and external audiences is consistently called upon to synch with, and support, overall organization objectives.
    Crisis Communications
    • I served on crises management teams in two organizations, with team responsibility for developing, testing and maintaining crisis communications and operations plans that create effective response to crises driven by environmental, operational and marketplace events. At Arthur Andersen, our team was focused on long-term and acute response to global Y2K threats, and to locally focused hurricane disaster response. At Spherion, our team developed crisis management plans for technological threats to business operations.
    Organizational Communication
    • Areas of my strategic communication planning and delivery expertise include: Exceptionally crafted and targeted executive communications; Well-timed and consistent messaging between internal and external audiences including investors, business alliance partners and vendors.

    Common Denominators to Exceptional Communication Results
    • Beyond my exceptional writing and organizational skills, I am passionate about tracking and measuring results to demonstrate the direct and indirect business value of any communications program.
    • Continual improvement of my own results, those of my team, and the organization overall is paramount. I have the team, project, risk, and issue management skills to ensure continuous improvement.
    • My extensive technology skills and knowledge feeds my ongoing pursuit of effective communications technologies, with effectiveness measured on cost, operational and message results..
    • I am well aware of, and experienced with, the unique demands and opportunities of a large corporation. Strategic alignment and consistency with messaging, policy, process and procedure are priorities that cannot be compromised or negotiated.
    Finally, a bit about me as a professional.

    My business experience yields reliance on a consistent, core approach to all opportunities:
    1. Define the right path and actions that yield the right strategic results for the right reasons
    2. Optimize relationships between leaders, customers, employees and technology to enable results that exceed expectations
    3. Lead, manage, coach and mentor to individual and team success
    4. Communicate achievement of quantitative and qualitative results that meet strategic intents
    As a professional, I am known as a:
    • Frank and decisive leader of decisions, actions and projects toward measured and sustainable results
    • Sharp analyst of strengths and weaknesses in profitability, policies, procedures, and people
    • Results-driven implementer of comprehensive solutions to acute and systemic organizational problems
    • Experienced strategist capable of tethering strategic goals to SMART objectives and real results
    • Positive and effective communicator of proposals, progress and ideas
    • Enthusiastic teacher of knowledge, process and change

    I trust this letter serves well as an introduction. I look forward to our first conversation and to creating business value for Coldwell Banker through effective public communications.

    [Name redacted for blog publication]

    Feature News Item Published from Media Release by Sarasota Herald Tribune Jul 08

    Published: Tuesday, July 8, 2008 at 1:00 a.m.
    Last Modified: Monday, July 7, 2008 at 6:10 p.m.
    Starting Friday, senior citizens can learn about staying safe and preventing dangerous situations.

    Click to enlarge

    Capt. Steve Burns, left, with the Sarasota County Sheriff's Office, captures the trophy from Assistant Fire Chief Paul Dezzi, of the Sarasota County Fire Department, during the kickoff event to raise money for the Suncoast Communities Blood Bank.
    Buy photo
    The Senior Friendship Centers has joined forces with the Palms-Robarts Funeral Home and Memorial Park and the Florida Department of Elder Affairs to present the Summer 2008 Smart and Safe Living Conference.
    The Smart and Safe Living Program is sponsored by the Dignity Memorial network of about 2,200 funeral homes and cemeteries across the country.
    "Smart and Safe Living Program has been around for about 16 years nationally," said [name redacted for blog publication], community service counselor at Palms-Robarts Funeral Home. "But this is the first time we've done a conference schedule.
    "It's just something different and interesting to do over the summer."
    For the next three Fridays in July from 10 to 11:30 a.m., Senior Friendship Centers will host talks on topics such as preventing identity theft and home invasions and how to stay safe during the hot summer months.
    The Smart and Safe Living Program also deals with Community Outreach programs like Escape School for children, along with various other programs.
    "Community Outreach is focused on living longer and being smart about avoiding things that can actually put you in a dangerous situation," said Toner.
    The conference will feature speakers Cynthia Cooper of the Florida Department of Elder Affairs Area Agency on Aging, and Sarasota County sheriff's Sgt. Neil Scully.
    For more information about the Smart and Safe Living Conference, contact Vicki at the Senior Friendship Centers at 556-3243.
    -- Michelle Dendy

    Sunday, July 25, 2010

    TV Production Proposal 2006: Right Path. Right Actions. Right Results.

    Click once or twice to enlarge/read.
    Check out the 2010 follow-up proposal, Innovation Station.